Museum of Plugs and Sockets logo, small SI 32 standard
Israeli plugs and sockets
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System that is only used in Israel and areas controlled by the Palestinian National Authority (West Bank) and Gaza Strip.
Find at the bottom of the page a note about the similarity between SI 32 and HNA plugs.
Type J profile


SI32 socket 1990s model SI32 flat pin plug SI32 socket, new model SI32 round pin plug

Detail of older type SI32 socket

SI32 connector plug, old model Israeli plug, used for special purposes Israeli  IS32 socket with shutter mechanism

Intro A short history of Israeli sockets and plugs may help to understand the differences between nos. 1-2 and 3-4.
Up until the early 1980s SI 32 plugs had flat pins. These plugs and corresponding sockets were rated at 10A-250V.
In the early 1980s rating was upgraded to 16A, without any change of design.
It appeared that the upgrading could result in overheating when high drain appliances were used.
To solve the problem a new type of plugs with round pins was announced in 1989. First new sockets were introduced that could handle both flat and round pin plugs. Round pin plugs followed early 2000.
The delayed introduction of plugs ensured that in 2000 most sockets could accept round pin plugs. Nowadays you will find also sockets with round slots only.
1, 5
Older model SI 32 sockets, rated at 16A, 250V. It is a typical 1990s - early 2000s model, designed for flat blade plugs and round pin plugs (as explained in the introduction above). Because of the round holes (diameter 4.3-4.6 mm) and a spacing of N and L slots of 19 mm, sockets accept Europlugs (see image no. 5). Brand names: Electrosen (1) and Tylon (5), see logos and caption image at the bottom of the page, for additional details.   {AZ}
2 Older model SI 32 plug with flat blade pins. Rating 16A-250V. The plug must have been made between early 1980s and early 2000s. Pins are 4.9 -5.0 mm wide, 2.4 - 2.5 mm thick and 18.5 - 18.9 mm long. Brand name: NISKO.   {AZ}
3 New model SI 32 socket for round pin plugs (see no. 4). Rating: 16A-250V. Older, flat blade pins fit also in this modern sockets, that has been bought in Ramallah in 2013. Slot diameter is 5.2 mm. Brand name: Mepa Elektrik A.S., Istanbul, Turkey.   {PB}
Note that slots are wide enough to accommodate also plugs with flat blade pins.
4 New model SI 32  plug with round pins. Rating 16A-250V. Pins have a diameter of 4.1 mm; pin length varies between 17.8 and 18.3 mm. Pins are marginally thinner and shorter than specified in SI32 (see note below). Brand name: I.G.   {PB}
6 Connector plug (older model) for an extension cable. The plug has two vertical tabs to prevent insertion of multi-plugs that could overload cables. Tabs were often broken off. Newer connector plugs do not have tabs. Brand name: unknown.   {AZ}
7 Plug type with two parallel flat pins and a round earth pin. Corresponding sockets were used in local Uninterrupted Power Systems and IT supply systems to prevent connection of unauthorized, non-critical equipment. An older version had a flat, rather than round earth pin. The flat earth pin was positioned perpendicular to the power pins. The plug does not fit in socket no.1, but can be inserted in the newer socket no. 3. Brand name: NISKO.   {AZ}
The configuration of the shown plug is similar to North American 15A, 250V plugs (NEMA 6-15P), but brute force is needed to insert this plug into a US socket, because Israeli blades are 0.9 mm thicker than US blades.
8 Old type 16A socket with child-safe locking mechanism. The lock that has to be rotated clockwise to insert a plug, is an integral part of the socket construction, not an add-on type of shutter. After releasing the plug, a spring ensures that the plate automatically rotates back to its safe position. The socket can only be used with plugs that have flat blades (see slot for earth pin), or round pin Europlugs. Manufacturer: Waisbord Electric Ltd (see logo f below).   {DH}
Sockets and plugs were upgraded to 16A in the early 1980s, but pin dimensions remained essentially unchanged. This means that they are still not always safe -
depending on the specifications of the manufacturer - when a full 16A load is applied.

I am grateful to Ash K. for providing information about history and details of Israeli plugs and sockets.


Israeli manufacturer logos

Logos on displayed plugs and sockets.  a: Electrosen, Bnei Brak, Israel (no. 1);  b: unknown company (no. 6); 
c: Nisko, Tel-Aviv, Israel (nos. 2 and 7);  d: I.G. International Ltd. (no. 4);  e: Tylon, Nes Ziona, Israel (no. 5). The two words in the Tylon logo mean 'plug' (horizontal) and 'socket' (vertical);  f: Waisbord Electric Ltd in Petah Tikua, near Tel Aviv (no. 8).


Comparison of SI 32 and HNA plugs


Old SI 32 plugs with angled, flat pins are nearly identical to German domestic HNA* plugs, see image left. HNA plugs fit perfectly in SI 32 sockets, vice versa.
Find more information on the page about earthed sockets with similar contact configurations.

* HNA = Handelsschiff-Normen-Ausschuss (cargo vessel standard committee) was introduced in the late 1920s, while SI 32 has been introduced not before late 1940s. It seems unlikely that the Israeli type has been developed without knowledge of HNA, but any hard proof of a relation has not yet been found.


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