DMPS front page image
 displaying an amazing variety of
plugs and sockets from all over the world

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© 2009-2024 Oof Oud
All rights reserved.
Reproduction of images and texts is allowed if the source: "Digital Museum of Plugs and Sockets"  and the internet address are clearly indicated.
Most recent update:
September 8,
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Acknowledgments *
* donors of material are indicated with {NN} type
  abbreviations. Acknowledgments give full names.

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Welcome to the museum. Comments and questions are appreciated.
The museum does not have a shop. Mails regarding quotations,
orders and delivery times remain unanswered !

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For safety reasons green mail address
is a non clickable image.

Disclaimer     This website is a digital museum. Legends to illustrations etc. are not to be regarded as instruction manuals. We refer to documentation that comes with plugs and sockets for information about the proper and safe use of these devices.
If in any doubt, consult a qualified electrician !
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this website, the author assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein.